Eco-Psychology / by Lisa Goesling

Ererumus, 3 Points of View, Cut Cabbage and Oregano by Lisa Goesling

Ererumus, 3 Points of View, Cut Cabbage and Oregano by Lisa Goesling

My work has been on display at Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington's Eco-Gallery since Earth Day. Dr. Washington opened her gallery last year with the goal of featuring artists who fulfill the concept of Eco-Psychology, the relationship between human beings and the natural world through ecological and psychological principles. The field seeks to develop and understand ways of expanding the emotional connection between individuals and the natural world. Surrounding yourself with nature and viewing images of it's beauty, actually changes the way we feel. 

Dr. Washington is an Environmental Engineer, Environmental Epidemiologist, an award winning NASA Sr. Project Engineer, a Chemical Engineer, Lecturer, (she just spoke at a conference with Al Gore) and is LEED AP ID+C. If that's not enough, she is a supporter of the arts, which is what lead her to marry her love for the environment with her love of art. When she contacted me, she said that she had been following my art for some time and just had to ask if I would show at her gallery. "It is the perfect example of Eco-Psychology at work."